Sunday, September 21, 2008

Modes: Thematic Myth

i'm a brat and haven't updated in a while. i am somewhat interested in the thematic myth or the works created with divine inspiration. the bible, koran, works of oracles,budhist and hindu mantras(?), it's all very out there with very little proof. legends, myths, stories about the beginning of the world. but gods came from men so really it's all human inspiration. after all, where would gods be without worshippers? i do wonder. besides the whole 'divine' inspiration all of these texts were written by humans who aren't so divine. but humans seem to want there to be some sort of perfect unfathomable being. so does that mean it's unfathomable inspiration? if so how can we make connections to it if we don't understand it? i'm confusing myself. but even if we dont consciously understand everything we can sometimes make the smaller connections and have a 'cosmic moment.' a moment where you feel like you can see and understand everything. its all so clear and... huge. but we lay those legends, those cosmic moments, and writings where we dont really have the words to describe or explain and it sounds unbelieveable into the divine and are left with myths. anyway i think i got lost there so it you have questions just leave a comment.

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